Furey’s Bar

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Furey's Bar, Kildare - Gemello

The owner of this traditional Irish pub contacted Symo during last Spring’s Covid lockdown needing lightweight, heavy-duty, yet stylish branded parasols for the wooden deck of his bar .

He chose two grey-framed Gemello parasols, connected by a rain gutter, with inground bases, to create an elegant 32sqm space.


Gemello Parasol

This extra large parasol offers you the following benefits:  The Gemello is a real giant parasol, with dimensions up to 5 x 4,5 m square or Ø6m round. This provides shade or a watertight roof for at least 28 seats, under a single parasol (1 seat per m2). Increase the …

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Pierre Christiaens
Contact me: christiaens @ symoparasols.com https://symoparasols.com