Hotel T

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Hotel T, Waregem - MacSymo

The brand-new Hotel T in Waregem, a realisation by Tine Van Canneyt, is located in three former mansions, with respect for the existing façades. Hotel T offers 45 hotel rooms, rooms for meetings and events, a cosy bar and restaurant and a wellness area with swimming pool.

Non-hotel guests can also use all the facilities, including the nice terrace, where one can have breakfast in fine weather, overlooking the large city garden.

Rik Seys, the F&B manager, contacted Symo to see which parasol type was the best choice for their terrace. Hotel T decided to have two 4mx4m MacSymo parasols installed.

Rik Seys



This king size parasol offers you the following benefits: The MacSymo is a real giant parasol with dimensions up to 5 x 5 m square or 4 x 4 m rectangular. This provides shade or a watertight roof for up to 25 seats, under a single parasol (1 seat per …

Read more about this parasol …

Pierre Christiaens
Contact me: christiaens @