Restaurant Ter Polder

Web Master | Biography

Restaurant Ter Polder has been a house of trust since 2001, where freshness and quality are paramount. As its name implies, it is located between the sea and the ‘polders’.

The managers have been loyal Symo customers for more than 15 years. In 2020, they bought new MacSymo parasols to replace the existing ones. To keep these parasols in perfect condition, they use our parasol covers and our winter storage service.



This king size parasol offers you the following benefits: The MacSymo is a real giant parasol with dimensions up to 5 x 5 m square or 4 x 4 m rectangular. This provides shade or a watertight roof for up to 25 seats, under a single parasol (1 seat per …

Read more about this parasol …

Pierre Christiaens
Contact me: christiaens @