Westerham Brewery

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3 MacSymo parasols at Westerham Brewery
Country:United Kingdom

The aim of the Westerham Brewery Company was to create an improved, welcoming, covered terrace.

The area can be windy, so a strong solution was needed. Symo proposed three 4.5m x 4.5m MacSymo black-framed parasols with black canopies, each to be anchored into the floor by inground sleeve bases to ensure stability.

The parasols were produced, delivered and installed within 4 weeks. They add a stylish outdoor eating and drinking area, keeping brewery visitors protected from the elements.



This king size parasol offers you the following benefits: The MacSymo is a real giant parasol with dimensions up to 5 x 5 m square or 4 x 4 m rectangular. This provides shade or a watertight roof for up to 25 seats, under a single parasol (1 seat per …

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Pierre Christiaens
Contact me: christiaens @ symoparasols.com https://symoparasols.com